Hingston Map Page

This page will show the distribution of Hingstons worldwide and should contain links that take you to the locations of further information.

It is still under development. Not all the links work correctly yet and there are many more markers to be added. I hope later to alter the markers so that they are not all visible at all scales, and also to colour code them depending on when the earliest known Hingston connection occurred.

Clicking on a marker usually brings up a link, which should open in a new window. Clicking away from a marker gives the latitude and longitude of the place clicked. You can navigate around the map and zoom using the buttons in the top left, and you can switch between map views, satellite photos or a mixture.

If you want me to add a marker on this map, I need to know the exact latitude and longitude of the place concerned. Make sure that you have the right place at maximum magnification and quote the result to 6 decimal places. I also need the name of the place, a short piece of text and the tree reference for a link.

In most locations the marker points to somewhere in the town centre; in Devon villages this will usually be the parish church, but it may be a cross-roads or a bridge that marks the town centre, or it may be an individual house or farm. If you think any of the markers point to the wrong place, tell me the correct location.

The system uses Google Maps, which may add cookies to your browser, and they reserve the right, at some stage in teh future, to add advertising, over which I would have no control. You must have Javascript enabled for the maps to work. This is safe as Javascript has no mechanism for reading your disks or writing to them.

First version 23/8/07. Chris Burgoyne